Friday, May 29, 2009

Before heading off this weekend...

Yippee!!! I'm going home for the weekend! By home I mean Virden. I'll get to see my family which I haven't seen since Lachlan and I got out of the hospital. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone. My sister's been working on her house and I can't wait to see what she's done.

Unfortunately Marc won't be able to come with me because he has to work on another rig (he's not too happy about that, but that's the way it works out here).

But I thought I'd share some photos of the beautiful apple blossoms in our yard. It's so neat. Our door we use to go outside is around back, but as soon as you step on the porch you can smell them. The tree is on the front of the house. It just smells like spring here.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Doin' a little laundry...

HA HA Get it? I had to run and pull a load of laundry out of the dryer and I brought Lachlan with me as he was a little fussy and I wanted him to stay quiet while Preston was down for his afternoon nap. It definitely made for a fun little everyday photo shoot...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Take some pictures ya'll

So I'm finally getting back into the swing of things and I've started taking more pictures again. I've missed playing around with my camera and snapping shots of daily life as well as special moments.

I've been trying my hand an some cute baby photos and thought I'd share a couple. These ones are with daddy. I've wanted to try doing these photos and since Marc was around on Sunday we finally did them. Hope you like them as much as I do... I know they are definitely going to make their way into a scrapbook somewhere.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Start getting inspired...

Hey All!
Happy Mom's Day to all the wonderful ladies out there. I hope you enjoy your day as much as I have. Lachlan's happily sleeping, eating, and playing on his mat while Preston is happy to play with all his new toys he got from his birthday party yesterday when Memere and Pepere Talbot, Tante Marilynne, Niomi, and Calum came for a visit for the day. Preston wasn't too happy when memere left, but he'll see them next weekend camping.

I've been organizing, cleaning, moving around stuff in my house to make some room for everything and everyone. Still have lots to do before I can say it's a success, but it's definitely a start. I'm also starting to finally get used to having two boys around with different schedules that I'm starting to get inspired to get back to scrapbooking and cooking!!! My scrapbooking is definitely a work in progress as everything I have is now finally in Oxbow, but it's in the garage, basement and my new very small scrapbook room. I'm still digging around looking for everything, but I am getting some projects done. Now that Lachlan is only waking up a couple of times during the night I am also wanting to cook more. The past month has been quick meals and kinda tacky : ( I hate not cooking meals from scratch. I really have a blast doing it. Now all I need is a very large kitchen attached to my scrapbooking room and we have the ideal start to my dream house LOL!

On top of all of that I am trying to get more practise with my photography as I would love to make a business out of it. I've been taking lots of baby photos of Lachlan and playing around with my camera. I'll have to post some of the pictures I've been taking lately.

Anywho, just thought I'd post an update for all you gals who still read my blog. Be sure to check out my scrapbooking blog too as I'll be posting within the next week.
