Monday, December 14, 2009

The Santa Baby Project....

What would a Baby's first Christmas be without photos? I love doing these photos with my kids. Lachlan was a real cutie. Enjoy!

Friday, December 11, 2009

They get along so well...

I just love how Preston and Lachlan get along. Preston loves to hug and cuddle with Lachlan and he doesn't seem to mind it most of the time. Lachlan is really attached to his big brother. That's because he's also his main source of entertainment LOL! No matter what Preston is doing he'll drop everything to come spend a little time with Lachlan playing peek-a-boo or running around the basement making him laugh. Here they are spending a little quality time on Mommy and Daddy's bed.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

And who is this under our tree?

Well you guessed it. Mommy's free time of know where little Lachlan is, is coming to an end. Sigh. Oh well, it's fun watching Lachlan trying to get around backwards (the only way he can go right now). And what fun would it be if we didn't get stuck at least a handful of times under our tree?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Our First Gingerbread House...

So this year Marc wanted to buy a gingerbread house to make with Preston. As I have had many unsuccessful attempts at creating a gingerbread house I told him it was "his thing". Apparently he's way better at creating them than me LOL! Great job honey! Here's a pic of Preston pretending to take a bite out of it (not the best photo, but you have to be quick with him so it's as good as it got LOL!). He thought it was the neatest thing ever.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Baby it's cold outside...

Preston, Akida and I went outside to enjoy the new snow. Finally Christmas is on it's way! It was windy and the snow was blowing, but after Preston got used to that he had a blast running around in the snow. And with no sun shining I was able to take some pics of the tracks he left in the snow. It was great!