Thursday, April 29, 2010

Here come the race cars...

So I decided to switch out my lense on my camera and I have to say I totally forgot how much fun it was to take pics with it.  Preston loves to get outside as much as he can and usually after supper we go outside in our quiet little crescent and he races around in his "race car".  He really has caught on to pedalling his bike and just loves motoring along so I thought I should share a couple of photos.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

One fine evening...

after supper Preston and Marc like to go outside in our quiet little crescent and bike, roller skate, whatever!  As long as they can go outside.  Well, Lachlan and I decided to join them tonight since it was so nice out.  He wasn't too sure about sitting on the grass, but he like to watch Preston cruising around on his bike and laugh.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Treasure hunt at the Family Centre

So we headed out to the Family Centre, just Preston and Mommy for the treasure hunt.  It was so fun to get outside with the kids.  The went searching for rocks, pinecones, green grass, berries, dandelions, and bugs.

Preston with his "treasures".

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Roller skatin' on a sunny day...

Preston taking some steps by himself on his roller blades.  He loves to be outside.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Lachlan...

It's so funny when Lachlan was born last year Easter was after his birthday and this year it's before.  It's been a busy start to the month. 

This pic is my fav.  Lachlan wearing one of the beanie hats I made.  It looks so good on him : )

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just another day around our house...

I have no idea what Preston is trying to do in this picture but it is so funny I had to share.

And this picture is to show Lachlan's new present from Memere and Pepere Talbot.  He finally got a swing so he can swing with his big brother.  He LOVES it! 

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Well now that I have my computer back it's time to update everyone on what we've been up to.  Easter this year was a blast!  Preston loved finding eggs around the house, but I have to say it took him longer to find his Easter eggs than it takes him to open presents at Christmas LOL!!!   Everytime he found an egg he had to pop it open and dump it into the ice cream bucket we gave him.  It took forever!!!  It was so funny!

Lachlan had fun too.  He chased Preston around looking for all his eggs.  Everytime Preston set down his bucket to open and egg Lachlan was right there to see what he could pick out of it.