Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Finger Sucker

And it starts again!  We have another finger sucker (well, actually Lachlan is a thumb sucker).  I just had to take a picture of this adorable sight.  Wyatt was fussing a little bit in his chair and when I came back to get him after putting the other 2 down for a nap this is what I came back to.  What a cutie pie!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A visit with Grandmemere

So while we were in Winnipeg we made a stop to see Grandmemere Bisson.  This was the first time she met Wyatt and Lachlan as we haven't been out to the 'Peg in quite a while since moving out to Saskatchewan.  We had a great visit and took her out for breakfast as well so we could chat more.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wedding Day

So while we were waiting for Josh and Kristin to come out of the church I was able to snap this photo of Pepere and Wyatt.  It was such a beautiful, warm fall day I wished there were more of those days left before winter.  We'll see what we get, right?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mister Tough Guy

Ha ha!  Yeah right.  I just had to take some pictures of my little tough guy with his messy bed head and also with his binkie while sucking his thumb.  I can't wait to scrapbook these photos at the end of the month I have the perfect paper and font for the title!  It's going to be great!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tickle, Tickle

Lachlan loves to tickle Wyatt.  He'll just walk right over to him and say "gee gee gee" (tickle, tickle, tickle).  Wyatt loves his big brother play times.  He doesn't even seem to mind when they get a little too excited and squish him.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Growing boys

Wyatt's growing so fast and he's such a happy little guy.  I keep forgetting to take pictures of him while he's small so I took this picture just before we headed out the door this morning.

And of course, after naptime this afternoon Lachlan spent some time reading a book.  He loves to sit in Preston's McQueen chair especially when he wants to sit in it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Day of Playschool...

It starts.  My first born is off to playschool once a week.  Where does the time go?  I look back and can remember the first day I sent him to daycare, then the last day of daycare, then moving to Saskatchewan and becoming a big brother, then becoming a big brother again, and now he's off to playschool.  Here's a couple of photos I caught of him for his first day of school.  I can't wait to scrapbook these : )

Monday, September 13, 2010

2 Months ago...

I was meeting this little guy for the first time!  I can't believe how fast the time has flown by, not that I miss the early morning feedings, but it was our special time alone while the rest of the house slept.  I will definitely keep those memories close to my heart.

Just another fun day at the Family Centre

The boys have a great time going to the Expressway Family Centre and today was no different.  The theme was zoo animals and the program was so much fun!  The kids looked at pictures of different zoo animals, played a game to figure out which foods each animal ate, and imitated how those animals move.   Here's Preston walking like an elephant!

Wyatt fell asleep while watching the kids running around : )

And Lachlan thought it was safer in the car than walking with the "animals".  LOL!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Go Bombers!

A typical football days includes the boys dressing up in their Bomber gear and Preston and Daddy yelling "Who's Number 1?...Blue Bombers!"

Friday, September 10, 2010

Just another day...

heading out to Virden for the scrapbook crop.  I just had to take a photo of these clouds rolling in.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Baker's Man

Preston loves to help Daddy bake cookies.  He loves to do the mixing with the mixer and after that he's gone to play!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

dAy 3 of sLeepiNg in a biG boY bED...

Has worn out this little man!  He crashed at 8AM this morning.  Hey just cuddled up on these blankets that were to be washed from being in the camper and just fell asleep!  Awwww....

And then there's my goofy boy.  He just had to show me his version of Mr. Potato Head.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Harvest at Pantel Farms

Of course while at "Pantel Campgrounds" the big machinery was in and out of the yard.  I have to say the kids were so good about staying out of the way, except when they were allowed by Uncle Scott to play on the combine.  Preston thought it was great to sit in the wheel well.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My little man is growing up...

I can't believe how fast time flies.  It feels like only yesterday that we were at the hospital and now it's 7 and a half weeks later.  This is Wyatt's second camping trip and other than a little too much wind, he's just like his brothers and loves the Great Outdoors.

I love my little Canon PowerShot!  Now even I can get into the pictures without chasing someone down to take it : )