Friday, March 18, 2011

Cuppy Cake time!

So today was Party and Potluck day at the Expressway Family Centre, but it was just me, Sue Ann and the boys out that day.  And after slaving so hard to create an awesome craft for the kids AND making rainbow cuppy cakes (they were super yummy!).  Oh well, the kids loved the playtime and to get out of the house as I've been keeping them home for a week to make sure we don't spread the germs.  Just look at their happy faces : )

Okay so Preston's is more like a goofy grin thing.

Then this evening we had some scary cuppy cake monster inhabiting our playroom!  Oh my!  Very scary Preston...I mean monster LOL!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

And's Wyatt's turn

The poor guy!  I thought for sure when he didn't get pink eye within the first week and a half that he was in the clear.  Little did I know when I went to get him this morning he is now sick.  He hates getting his eyes cleaned and screams, then you have to get some silly ointment in and he holds his eyes shut tighter than Lachlan did and he swats like a bear to fight you off too.  If only he could understand that I'm trying to can be so frustrating, but we'll survive.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What are you lookin' at?

 That's right...our little "critter" is on the move now and boy is he quick!  It didn't take him long to figure out how to become a speedy little gonzalez and chase after his bigger brothers.  And does he ever love to do that!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Just another play day at the Family Centre...

As always, Preston loves to play at the Family Centre and today was no exception.  He brought out all the people for the castle and was having a great time.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


And the icky sickies have hit our house.  Poor Lachlan got the grunt force of the pink eye this round.  He needed the antibiotics and eye ointment.  I have to say he was a little trooper though and didn't fuss too much every morning when we had to wash away the gunk around his eyes.