Sunday, May 30, 2010

So I couldn't decide

on the photo of the day so I'm sharing 2.  They're both just too cute!  First one is of all my boys hanging out (while I was scrapbooking, tee hee).  It looks like Lachlan's saying "shhh" again as if it's a secret.

The second one is of my little Maestro.  Lachlan LOVES music.  We may have to go and get my piano from my Mom and Dad's (which will make Dad happy...until he finds out he has to help move it LOL) sooner than I had planned.  I do miss playing it and I know Preston and Lachlan would love to play it too.  They play it everytime we go to the farm and Dad comments about how Preston is the first grandkid who doesn't pound on the piano...he actually plays it.

Friday, May 28, 2010


I bought myself a little point and shoot Canon Powershot so I just had to play around with it to see how it works.  I have to say it's different than my Minolta, but I do like the easy features on it (I thought I would be easy for Marc to use to LOL!)  So here's just a happy little photo of Lachlan playing peek-a-boo around the camera with me.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Visit to the farm

So the boys and I had a chance to visit the farm today and since is was such a beautiful evening, Preston and I went exploring around the yard.  Preston went looking for kitties while Mommy enjoyed looking at all of Granny's beautiful flowers.  I have never really had flowerbeds or flower gardens in any of our houses, but I can't wait to start planning some for this house.  Until then I have to enjoy photographing the ones on the farm.  Sigh.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My first...

camping trip.  Yep that's right.  I am over a year old before I went on my first camping trip while Preston was only 2 months for his first!  Things just didn't work out last year for camping with Mommy so I had to wait.  But I loved it.  I spent time walking around the picnic table (when it wasn't raining), and had a chance to sit on the ground and pick up rocks and put them in a pail...then pick them out...then put them back in...then pick them out.  It was FUN!  I even did a little walking around in my new shoes.  I can't wait until July long when the weather will be nicer and I'll get to do lots more things like splashing in the water, playing in the sandbox and hopefully I'll be running on my own by then : )

Friday, May 21, 2010

Buh Bye Birdie!

Just thought I'd take another picture of our birdy family before heading out for the long weekend.  They're growing so fast!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Our little "feathery" neighbours

Just a little update on how our little feathery neighbours are looking.  Starting to get a little color.  Can't wait to get some pics when they're actually awake : )

A visit to Gaschler's farm

The family centre had a farm visit today and I thought Preston and Lachlan might enjoy getting out and seeing some farm animals.  Well Preston LOVED it (of course) and Lachlan just had fun in his stroller.  This was as close as Preston could get to the baby lambs, but it didn't stop him from trying again and again and again!

It was nap time for Lachlan when we went, but he didn't nap at all the whole time, just sat quietly in his stroller watching all the action.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Little help please?

Preston loves to push Lachlan on the swing.  It a big help while I clean up the yard or make supper.  Lachlan doesn't seem to mind either.

And I have no clue what Preston is trying to "dig up" here, but I thought it was too cute!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Little Explorer

Now that Lachlan is totally on the go you can't stop him LOL!  He has just discovered everything in my cupboards in the kitchen and loves drumming on the bowls with the mixer thingys (what are they called again?  LOL).  Anywho, just caught him making a little music.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Welcoming the newest family on the block

We didn't even notice this family move into our backyard since we have no trees, but they made themselves quite comfortable on our gas meter.  I sent Marc out on Sunday to read the meter and he told me we had a Robin's nest with 4 little eggs on the meter.  Then today I had to go and read the meter number to sign up for our online account and took a peek in and we had 1 little baby in the nest.  By this evening we had 3.  Welcome to the neighbourhood birdies!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Just like Papa (and I think Mommy too LOL!)

I think this picture is self explanitory.  Lachlan LOVES music (even Papa's music which is playing).  I was out at the farm visiting Mom and Dad for the evening since I had a midwife appt in Brandon in the afternoon and Mom and I were talking in the dining room when Dad said you better get in here quick.  So we go and see and he had put his headphones on Lachlan.  As soon as he did that he froze and was enjoying the music.  He even did a little head nodding to the beat.  What can I say?  He loves music.  I'm going to look in my stash of pictures, but I'm pretty sure that I have a picture of me in headphones similar to these ones listening to music too.

Friday, May 7, 2010

My little mechanic

Just sharing the pic of the day.  Preston playing in the garage with his Handy Manny truck "fixing" it up : )

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Preston!

So Preston's birthday was a pretty small one, but he loved it.  We had homemade pizza for supper and then Mom's version of "Dirt Cake" for dessert...chocolate cake, iced then added oreo crumbs on top with worms.

And what would a birthday be without a video cam visit with memere and pepere Talbot?  This is the new thing in our house since we got Marc's parents their laptop that has a webcam.  The boys love it!  I caught this photo of Marc and Lachlan before Preston sat with them unfortunately, but it was just too cute not to catch it.