Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Camping Day 1

Well we got to Sprucewoods about 3ish and set up.  Marc was so excited to get his camper all ready again.  He's so proud of his camper and I have to say it made camping a heck of a lot easier on me : )  Had a blast and it was a quiet start to the 4 days we stayed.

Monday, June 28, 2010

At the end of the day...

I had to run to Regina today for an appointment but it was so nice to come home and hang out with the boys this evening before bedtime.  It's very rare to have both my boys cuddle up with me.  Preston is the big cuddler, but Lachlan is just too busy for that kind of thing so it's a real treat when he will.  I'm really enjoying spending time with my boys before the baby comes and things get hectic again. 

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Picnic in the Park

Our family went to the Alameda park for a little picnic lunch today and have some fun in the beautiful weather. It was great. Preston and Daddy had to go and check out the baseball game going on beside us, and then climb on the huge rock at the entrance. Lachlan wanted to go to, but is a little slow on the crawling in the grass, but he had fun playing with Preston's bike and walking the outside of the gazebo. 

My little photographers (well actually, they think that my stand is a microphone and they think they're rock stars...which they are to me)

My guy smilie!

Piggy back anyone?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

All that's missing is a dog...

There is a picture waaaayyyy back of either my brother or I in a diaper at the screen window looking out with our dog Freckles right beside.  This always reminds me of that picture.  I so want to find it and scrapbook it along with this one.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Snack time

Lachlan loves to copy his big brother and today I caught him sitting with Preston sitting at the McQueen table.  It was just too adorable!  Sitting there eating their snacks and watching a movie.  It lasted long enough for me to take a couple of pictures because right after I caught this one I think Preston gave Lachlan a little nudge off the chair.  Oops!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another new experience...

We had a block party potluck today and after supper the boys (and I can say boys because that's all we have in the two crescents) headed over to one of the houses to play on the trampoline.  This was the first time Preston has ever tried one and loved it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Just another typical week...

Just another drive to Manitoba for a midwife appt.  This is getting to be the norm for us, but it's great for Preston and Lachlan to get a chance to visit with Granny, Papa and Auntie Meggie and the kids.  Preston loves to play with Brooke Lynn while Lachlan and Kyra like to test each others abilities.  They think it's so neat to have someone the same size to chase around and play with.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Finally some sunshine!

Just enjoying a little time outside on our new swing.  Now if only I could get someone's foot out of the pictures!

I'm gonna getcha!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Quiet time

So I was doing the dishes this AM and thought to myself it's a little to quiet around here.  So I went looking for Lachlan because Preston was with Marc and here's where I found him, sitting in Preston's room reading a book.  The boys love to play in Preston's room after breakfast while I have chores to do upstairs.  It's one of my favorite things to see them do together but I usually never get a chance to take a picture of it.  One day I'll catch them both reading together : )

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What Arrre you doing?

I brought in the baby car seat so I could give it a good needed washing and after I put it all back together had just set it beside the gate downstairs.  Well Lachlan has learned to climb into it and it's his new favorite spot when he's trying to get over the gate.  Here he is sitting in it pretending like he's not doing anything : )

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mommy & Lachlan

Just a pic with my little man for today.  I never get into the pictures, but this morning while the guys wendt fishing, we entertained ourselves with a few pics with my new little camera.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Alameda Fair

The Alameda fair was on today so we headed over to the fair grounds.  It was a lot of fun checking out the petting zoo, the crafting and hobby exhibits, the 4H show, and the kiddie rides.   Preston was even allowed to hop onto the pony, but he didn't like it too much.  He loved playing mini golf the most.

Lachlan, "I'm not too sure about this Mom..."

All tuckered out from the morning,  Preston just fell asleep before we got home, Lachlan was still up though.  It's so funny to see the differences with these two...Preston can sleep anywhere while Lachlan prefers a bed.  He will fight sleep for the longest time, but you put him in a bed and that's it.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Always a busy household

Here's my boys slowly moving into my area.  They haven't touched anything in my space for the longest time and now they are slowly creeping their way into it.  The play with the punches in my basket and I find them on the floor everywhere!  And now Lachlan has been digging in my embellishment basket and taking all my prima jars with brads and eyelets out.  I have to keep a closer eye on him now he may try to steal my "pretties" LOL!

And then there's the end of day tradition Marc likes to do.  Before the boys go to bed, they like to eat yogurt.  Preston isn't as interested in this anymore, but there is another little munchkin that LOVES to eat LOL!  I have yet to find something Lachlan won't eat which is nice compared to Preston's picky eating (he is slowly improving though).  He's like a little piranha when it comes to food...just look at his evil look when he sees food it's too funny.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hello operator?

That's right.  Lachlan has learned to talk on the phone...the kiddie phone so far, but I doubt that the real phone won't be far off.  He puts the phone right up to his hear and starts jibber jabbering in his own language.  It's just too cute!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Alameda's new fire engine

So our little town had a grand opening for the new firehall / town shop today and we headed down to check it out.  We also have a nice shiny new fire engine which the kids were able to check out as well.

Here's Preston buckling into the new fire engine.  He thought that was pretty neat.

My Bomber boys sitting on the new fire engine.

The town's volunteer fire dept. with their new engine.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Well, our birdies are all gone...

When we got back from our May long weekend camping trip our little Robin family was gone (or within a day or two).  It was such bad weather that I didn't get another photo of them before they left.  Anywho, I saw this little guy on our lawn today and had to wonder if it was one of the babies in the nest, so I took a pic of him.

And since Daddy had the rest of the weekend off, he decided to take Preston fishing this evening.  I never thought he would enjoy it since last year they showed him a fish in the live well and when it moved it scared the bejezzes out of him, but when you don't catch anything I guess there's nothing to be afraid of LOL!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Doing a little crafting and computer works...

I know I don't usually get in photos so here's one of Preston and I hanging out at my scrapbooking desk.  He's always interested in what I'm working on.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rain, rain go away!

Just another rainy day out here in Saskatchewan.  The boys enjoyed watching the rain fall outside even though they were stuck inside.  I'm so glad we have such a big house with lots of space.  It helps when we're cooped up inside for a day.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

You can't see me...

So my little photogenic guy is no longer.  It's such a challenge to get a picture of him.  He even wanted me to take his picture, but as soon as the camera would go up, he'd hide.  It still makes for some funny photos though.