Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 1st

On our way home from doing some last minute shopping...stopped at Tim's for timbits and well...Lachie didn't make it out of Estevan awake LOL!

And we finally set up our Christmas tree!  The boys were more than excited to help out.  Did you know it's hard to hand out ornaments to 3 anxious boys when they are all in boxes???  What a challenge Mommy had!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hockey time...

So I never thought I'd become a hockey mom, but it has happened...Preston is in hockey this year.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Our first snow angel of the season...

So this was the first day of real snow and the boys wanted to go outside and play in it.  Lachlan and Preston loved making tracks in the snow and then Preston decided to make a snow angel.  It was fun!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Doing a little updating...

So I know I've fallen behind with my blogging (badly) so I'm going to share some quick pics just to catch up.  Lachie LOVES his peanut butter!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pre-K here we come!

Preston was so excited to start school finally!  He's been waiting 4 weeks since he started asking about school.  I don't even remember how he knew it was almost school time again.  He was so excited that he jumped out of the van and took off to go to his first day.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Fun

What a fun filled afternoon at the Meandher Creek Pumpkin Patch!  This year was by far my favorite year!  The boys are now old enough to enjoy the patch and we spent the whole afternoon playing.  There were the very big piles of pumpkins as always, the 2 younger boys played in the sandbox while Daddy took Preston on the farm hayride, the zipline which both Lachlan and Preston were able to do this year (and the LOVED it!), duck races, pumpkin train, the straw maze and bale pyramid, milking cow (which was too funny...Preston asked why milk didn't come out of the cow so we had to explain to him it's a "water cow" LOL!), corn maze, the new Corn Cannon (which shot tennis balls...probably better than shooting real corn), and the list goes on and on.  Here are a few of my favorite pictures of this year's trip...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Little Picasso...

This little critter is getting into everything!  But isn't he a cutie?  So we were busy doing a little painting today and after everyone was done Wyatt picked up the paint brush and stuck it in his mouth.  I thought it was too cute to miss.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Oh my!!!

Where did that whole month go?  I can't believe how far behind I am with my blogging!  How EMbaRAssing.    Well, since that flew by, I thought I'd just make a list of some of the things we did...

Playing outside in the sunshine
Travelling to Virden
Work, work, and more work (Mommy anyways)
Blowing bubbles
Swinging on the swingset
Popsicles and Freezies
Enjoying the sandbox
And so much more that it's hard to remember it all!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A morning at the park...

So the boys and I headed out to pick up the mail and on our way back we stopped by the school to play in the playground.  The boys had a blast sliding, teeter tottering, swinging, and climbing.  Even Wyatt was able to get in on the action (with a little help from Mommy).

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What the???

This was hilarious!!!  The boys had a Kool-Aid Blue Raspberry drink and Lachan's whole tongue turned blue!!!  I think it was even funnier because it matched his shirt LOL!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fat Cat Birthday Party...

So the Expressway Family Centre helped put together the Fat Cat Birthday Party so we headed out to help.  It was lots of fun!  There were games, a pinata, hotdogs and cake, and facepainting.  I never thought Preston would allow someone to paint his face but at the end of the party I was looking around for him and found him sitting for the girls and getting painted.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

When things don't go my way...

Oh do you look sooooo cute!!!!  I hate to tell you no, but the way you look and act afterward is just to adorable! 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Look Out!!!


I will always remember this day as it's the day I told Daddy to put sunscreen on the boys before they went into the pool (and I even offered to help) but he didn't and next thing you know after 1/2 hr playing outside in the middle of the day.  I didn't see anything until that evening and when i asked why were they all burnt?  Daddy says "I didn't think they needed sunscreen on".  GRRRR...It didn't seem to bother Wyatt or Preston, but poor Lachie!  He was so itchy and sore for days!

This was so funny!  Lachie wanted to sit on the edge of the pool and everytime he did it sank and started to empty the pool.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pots and pans...

Wyatt has learned how to open our cupboards and has found some wonderful play things.  I can't keep hime away from the pots and pans...He loves cooking with me : )

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Little Man!

So it's official, my little man is not a baby anymore.  It's been one heck of a year and I have to say we have enjoyed every moment.  Watching these boys of mine grow makes me realize I need to write down the memories a lot more.  We didn't have a big party for Wyatt, but we did have cake and presents for the birthday boy to enjoy!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

An afternoon at the beach...

And of course while camping in the Duck Mountains we spent time at the beach in the afternoons.  Wyatt was fearless in the water while Lachlan was a little reserved.  Either way they all had a great time.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Camping in Duck Mountains

This was our first official day in the Ducks camping and I'm sure they had lots of fun.  Poor Wyatt wasn't walking yet so the ground was a little rough on his knees, but he managed for the week.  Preston was able to go fishing with Daddy and Pepere most mornings while Lachlan was a little disappointed that he was left behind. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 2 Talbot Camping

The boys had a blast this afternoon with all the relatives on the Talbot side.  There were water gun fights and then someone had brought a kiddie pool since the beach area of Sprucewoods is still underwater from all the flooding.  Luckily it wasn't as much of a scorcher as last year, but the water fun was still welcomed.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I love this!

These boys get along so well together...sure they have their ups and downs, but they all have fun playing together.

And then Wyatt went for a little adventure on his own into the wild green wilderness of our backyard...guess it's time to cut the grass AGAIN!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A picture of my 3 boys...

So I just had to post how difficult it is to get a picture with all 3 boys in it.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Time for Tarts...

I was digging in the freezer and came across some forgotten tarts and brought them upstairs...needless to say they didn't last long LOL!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

More Summer fun!

Marc picked up water guns for the boys to play with and so they went out into the yard and had some fun this afternoon...Poor Lachie couldn't press the button on his gun and needed help so he wasn't in much of the fun.