Sunday, April 8, 2012

Going Green...for a truck

So I had to share this.  My husband had an epiphany about how to save for his truck.  He decided to start collecting recycling that has been thrown from the windows of other vehicles into the ditches.  For those of you who live out in our area you can attest to the amount of recycling that is in our ditches.  He thinks that he will have enough to buy his truck in 2 years.  I've told him that he has his work cut out for him.  In order to share the idea we created a blog for his journey to his new truck.  Check out "A Green Truck". 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Petite Picassos - Painting with Flowers

So it's Petite Picasso day again at the family centre and the kids had a blast painting with flowers.  Lachlan and Preston love to paint and this time Wyatt even tried it too.  It's always a messy fun time on Petite Picasso day : )

Monday, April 2, 2012

Driving Miss Daisy...

I thought Preston was baby obsessed when he was younger, but Wyatt sure does beat him in that category.  While at the family centre he brought his baby for a drive in his car.  It was too cute!  Another adorable thing he does is he will carry his baby around and pat it on the back.  I haven't caught a picture of this yet, but I am working on it : )

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Aprils Fools!

I took this picture on the way home today from a weekend away scrapbooking.  The rays of sunshine poking through the cloud just looked amazing!

Monday, March 26, 2012

On the road again...

Jovie's first doctor's appointment was today so we headed off to Moosomin.  It didn't take the boys long to crash and take a nap on the way there.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Daddy / Daughter time

So Daddy was a little jealous this time around as I was the first to hold Jovie after she was born.  We actually didn't get a picture of him with her at the hospital and I've been so busy since being home that we haven't caught any pictures of them together!  So I caught a couple of pictures today napping with Daddy.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Lots of Love and Kisses

So it's just another day of snuggles and kisses with our new little miss : )

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Baby Announcement and Photoshoot

So today I finally made some time to do a baby photo shoot for my baby announcements and also for an adorable outfit that I bought especially for this little girl for her first scrapbook pages.  It sure was a challenge to get there photos inbetween keeping the boys busy but we did it and got some pretty adorable pictures too!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Street hockey and a visit with family

So this weekend we had a visit from Memere, Pepere, Tante Lisa, Hailey and Paige.  They came out to meet Baby Jovie and while they were here we played some street hockey too!

Monday, March 12, 2012

She's here...

Jovie Evangeline Talbot
Born March 12, 2012
@ 7:05 PM
Weighing 6lbs 6oz
And 19 inches long

Saturday, March 3, 2012

And here we go again...

To a tournament in Carlyle.  Luckily it was only for a day, but definitely made it challenging.  Luckily Marc took Preston for the afternoon games and I took Lachlan and Wyatt home so I could relax.

And then after Preston got home the boys all went outside for a play in the beautiful weather.  The snow was sticky as it was melting and they had some fun.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Women of Distinction

So Mom was nominated by a couple of ladies that attend her ceramics classes to be a Lady of Distinction.  What an honour for her to be picked among these other ladies for this event and be recognized for her community involvement.  It was definitely inspiring and amazing!  She really is an inspiration to me.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


So lately I've had a OB appointments in Brandon on Tuesdays and I've had to stop at 7-11 on my way out of town for a craving.  I haven't had a slurpee in years and all of a sudden that's all I want to have LOL!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Weekend getaway...

So we decided to take a weekend trip to Winnipeg to visit Lisa and the girls and Memere Bisson and of course do some retail therapy too!  We also had a blast playing in the pool and play area in the Holiday Inn where we stayed.  The boys loved it!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hockey tournament continued...

And here we are again playing hockey...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Alameda Rink Rats Tourney

 And the Rink Rats were at it again this weekend with their hockey tournament.  It was 2 days of busy fun for us.  Preston played, I worked in the cafeteria, made sandwiches, decorated and then worked with Mom trying to fix my cash register, and Marc watched kids.  We were very busy!

Friday, February 10, 2012

My little photographer...

Preston has become quite the little photographer.  Here are a couple of his first pictures he's taken this year...


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Another nice winter day...

Wyatt loves to play outside even in the wintertime.  It was nice out so we spent some time swinging outside this afternoon.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Another day at the EFC

So today was again Petite Picassos at the Expressway Family Centre, but before we got into craft time the boys were dressing it up as Batman.  I love watching how they change from year to year.  Last year the only costume Preston wanted to wear was Buzz Lightyear, but only occasionally.  This year, they run around pretending they're superheros almost every time we go.  What cuties!  And I have the perfect paper for superheros...better go and find it and print some photos off.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Preston's 1st Hockey Game...

So we had Preston's first hockey game of the season today in Redvers.  He hasn't quite figured out the concept of hockey games, but loves hockey practise.  And while we were waiting to play (we arrived a little ahead of schedule) the boys had the chance to watch some old kids play hockey and then watch the zamboni.  That's Lachlan's favorite part of hockey LOL!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Daddy's Day Off...

So Daddy had the day off and since it was such a beautiful day we headed outside for some winter fun!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Testing 1, 2, 3...

So I received my "Push Present" in the mail today and decided to test it out.  For those of you who do not know what a push present is, it's a gift for when you deliver a baby.  This is new and something they do more in the States, but I thought " #4???  I think I'm due for a Push Present" LOL.  I also thought I should have mine before baby #4 arrives so I know how to use it.  Now, for those of you who can't quite figure out what it is...I got my Prime 50mm 1.4f lens for my Minolta Digital Camera.  This lens is super awesome for taking portraits and blurring your background (which is what I need most times with kids LOL!) and also great for low lighting situations (which I HATE to use my flash for).  Looking forward to using this lens a bit in the next few months.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Another day at Petite Picassos...

So on our way to the Expressway Family Centre this morning I had to quickly grab out my camera to take a picture of these cuties.  It's rare that they all get along and will walk together holding hands.  These moments just melt my heart.

So today we brought out the big easels to use as they've been hiding in the back safe for quite a while.  The kids had a blast creating their beautiful works of art.  And the adults loved not having to worry about the mess at their own houses LOL!  Thanks parents & grandparents for helping with the clean up too! ~A